Uses of Tooth Paste

I'm sure there are many other uses for toothpaste. I've tried all of these I've listed and they all work great.


Toothpaste is awesome on a burn. It helps relieve the burning feeling, and it's like an instant cool. Do not use on open blisters or bad burns.

You can use toothpaste as a silver polisher. It also works to help get scratches off CD's and other plastic like surfaces.

Bug Bites

Bee Stings Spread a little over either of these and you'll feel soothed and no itches. Mosquito's, Fleabites and Ant bites work especially well.

Crayon Marks

Children color on the walls? Rub the marks with some toothpaste and a damp rag, then wipe clean.


You can use it as you would normal Spackle to fill in nail holes, etc. in your walls.


Be very careful when using this. It DOES work! Just dab a small amount on a pimple before bed, wake up and it's gone. Do not do this on extremely acne prone faces, as over time it will toughen the skin and turn it a rough look. But using it occasionally works great!

Clean your jewelry with a little toothpaste. Let it set over night and then wash it off. Do not use on pearls.


You can clean leather shoes with toothpaste by squirting on a little bit where the shoe is scuffed. Then rub with a soft cloth. Wipe it all clean with a damp cloth.

Kitchen Deodorizer

Oddly, this miracle paste works to eliminate the horrible sour milk smells that we find in baby bottles, water bottles and glasses that have sat for too long. Just clean the inside of the effected item with toothpaste, and rinse.

It works on goggles, mirrors, windows. Just wipe it on, clean it off and the next time the fog comes, it won't be nearly as bad!

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