Home Remedies for Prickley Heat

The heat causes a basket full of problems on your health. Added to that is can wreck havoc on your skin as well. While wearing appropriate clothing and staying away from the sun as far as possible certainly helps; you still are a victim of heat rashes. Tiny boils appear on your face, neck and back. They may appear on other parts of your body as well. They itch and burn and are red in color and cause a lot of discomfort.

Handy tips

Avoid wearing synthetic fabrics during the summer. Wear cotton clothes that are light colored and not heavy. Also, wear loose clothing rather than tight fits in order to let your skin breathe. Eat fresh fruits and vegetable as far as possible and refrain from eating spicy foods.

Stay on a vegetarian diet as far as possible, eating meat causes increasing amounts of heat in your body. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin well hydrated. Fresh fruit juices cool your system. Eat cooling fruits like watermelons and bananas and vegetables like carrots and cucumbers. Avoid eating fried foods and oily foods.

A few remedies that may help

The heat and moisture in the air causes the onset and growth of prickly heat on your body. It is a bacterial formation though it is not harmful. Besides the fact that it multiplies rapidly and causes inflammation on your skin; it is not life threatening in any way.

Keep your body cool and use every day treatments to lower your body temperature. Avoid warm and hot water baths and have cold baths and showers. Rubbing ice cubes on your body helps to relieve any burning sensation and reduces the itching sensation as well.

Mix gram powder with water and apply it to the affected area and let it dry naturally. When it begins to peel in pieces then you must wash it off with warm water. The dead skin cells will automatically be washed away and you will get relief from the inflammation.

Mix fullers earth with water and a few drops of rose water to make a paste. Add this paste to the affected area and wash it off when it dries. The rose water will relieve the itching and reduce the inflammation. The fuller’s earth will help to reduce the bacteria from spreading.

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